Saturday, September 28, 2024

Bits September 2024

 “Get to know Koinonia” We had a new class before church for people new to our church. The turnout was great; we answered questions and discussed how our church works. We went through our doctrinal statement and told how our practice reflects our doctrine. Praise the Lord for visitors and new members being a constant at the church. After one of the services, Heitor asked Jesus to be his Savior. He adds to a list of several more for the baptism service we will have in November. 

The Tupanatinga church had a baptismal service last week. Four people were baptized. One of our first families saved in Tupanatinga is Rodryggo and Danielly. Danielly has held Bible studies, prayed, talked, and invited, etc… her three sisters to attend church. Dayse has been in and out of church for several years but really picked up this past year. She had several reasons to not be baptized including a doctor’s order after her eye surgery the previous week. But she bandaged it up, put on goggles, and insisted on being baptized. Her sister Dani was in the water baptizing her together with me. It was an emotional moment! Also, Chico and Bia’s daughter decided to be baptized almost ten years after her parents made their decision. It was a long time coming, but we are glad she could decide on her own to follow Christ.  

At the end of last month we had an evangelism module and this month we put it into practice. We went to the park during a parade day and were able to have some good conversations. Then we did a Saturday service at Batalha where we hope to plant a church. A couple from our church did the evangelism presentation (they are also teaching the youth this weekend). How cool to see people being trained for the ministry and having the courage to preach the gospel. We had a better turnout than we expected both from Koinonia and from the community of Batalha. Some women who had said they wouldn’t give up their night to drink to go to a church service showed up anyway. 

Evelyn volunteered to teach English at the children’s support home. Recently a missionary couple from South Brazil (the city where Evie was born) joined our church. At the same time, they were taking over a non-profit that serves higher risk kids in our city. They have around 25 kids that receive breakfast, teaching, and then lunch. Most of them wouldn’t otherwise be eating that many times a day. The church has come alongside them by supporting them, sending people to help in different areas, as well as being on their board and other involvement. Pray for Kaleb and Viviane as they get used to the new non-profit, raise support, and serve these children (their vision is actually much more than they are actually doing). One day Evie said she would like to help there and later in the day Kaleb asked for someone who could teach English. His other request was also provided by another member that same day! 

Evie turned 15 this month. We are very grateful for her. She is a freshman and so we talk more and more about her future. We are thankful to serve a sovereign God whom we know will direct her path as she continues to trust in Him.

All for HIS glory,

David, Sarah, our linguist Evie (she speaks Portuguese, English, does well in Spanish and has dabbled in French and sign language as well), and Anna Claire who beats us in Mancala pretty much every time. 

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