Friday, September 29, 2023

Bits September

This last Sunday we entered the new auditorium in Arcoverde. This project started while we were in the US. Since arriving we have been putting the finishing touches on what was mostly ready thanks to Roger and Marcy Smith. This past Sunday in the new building we talked about stewardship and using the building for God’s glory.

This was the first month in which we started doing a morning Lord’s Supper service. We wondered how it would go; would people show up? Culturally, services are at night, so it is harder to get people to come to something in the morning. But another cultural difference is the importance of the Lord’s supper here and the love for food. Since we attached a potluck to the service, this brought a good group to the service. So the first month of this format was a success! 

Under this format, we are in one service per week in both churches. The once-a-month prayer service has also been a blessing. We have felt that this format has allowed us better contact with both churches. 

Sarah has run into issues fitting women in small groups! They have been very popular among the women and we have seen good spiritual growth in some of their lives. 

In family life, I struggled with shingles the first couple weeks of the month but the effects are almost gone now. Anna Claire picked up chickenpox from me and had a rough go of it for a couple of weeks. She is better now but still waiting for all the spots to disappear. We celebrated getting over our sickness along with Evelyn’s 14th birthday at the beach. It was nice to rest for a few days and play in the waves and sand. Shingles taught me that I need to play sports again (for destressing) and not work as much. Maybe I will listen better this time. We tend to think that a lot depends on us and our efforts and that if we are not working overtime God won’t be able to accomplish as much, but the reality is that God never needed us in the first place. He can do what He wants when He wants. Jesus promised to build His church; we are fortunate enough to be along for the ride. 

Thank you so much for your prayers and support. We are very blessed to be doing what we are doing. 

All for HIS glory,

David, Sarah, Evelyn and Anna Claire