Last day of September, 12 days until we leave for the USA, 4 days until our first football game, and 11 days until our monthly service. We are ready for our short furlough. I wrote a blog post about furlough that you can read here, but we are ready to get a breather for a few months, (even though furlough is not usually a breather). I just mean we are ready for a little break from our schedule here. We also do not want to be gone too long and have to start everything over, so we chose this time that includes 2-3 months where people in this area do little (December-February). If everything continues as planned we go into furlough not needing to raise more support (although if you want to start supporting us we will not impede you) and we have a car to use, housing, and cell phones! Let’s just say my in-laws are great, but then again so are everyone else’s, right??? :)
This month Gabriel finished going through the Story of Hope. He repeatedly said it is true about the gospel in regards to God, man, sin, death, Christ, cross, faith and life and walked away believing in God’s promises. We are excited to have this new brother. Pray for him this month as he takes a big test in trying to study to be a doctor. He is a good guy and certainly deserves it.
Our study group on Wednesdays has had a faithful group and Sundays for the first month ever has consistently had a good group as well. I have been especially excited about the football players. Four of them have been very consistent and a few others have showed up a couple times. We have also had another English student that has been the last three weeks. We are studying stories in the Old Testament and the gospel is constantly brought up. This week after studying king Josiah I talked about him not knowing about the Bible, to finding the Scriptures and deciding to obey them and how they could do the same process with God.
Alison is really involved in the church. He is an architect and on the football team. He comes from another church in another city and has taken ahold of the music team. This last week Pastor Roger had him teach the lesson and he did a great job. That night Chico jokingly said he would be teaching soon as well. We quickly informed him that he wasn’t joking. Chico and Bia have shown tremendous faithfulness and dedication to their newfound faith. It is great to see that we are not just in the gathering stage, but also growing into leadership development.
Saturday I play football here. I am the quarterback of the team and am asking for your prayers. :) I am not old, but I am not that young to be competing like this, but I am looking forward to having fun.
Alright, well we will see some of you soon! But to all of you we thank you for your faithfulness in prayers and support. God bless!
All for HIS glory,
David, Sarah, our big 6 year old who thinks she is running the show now, and our little energy bug who is talking away and slowly arriving at a place where we can understand a good bit of what she says.