Monday, February 29, 2016

Bits February

We are back! And we love it. We love our house. We love our friends. And we love the ministry to which God has called us. Our trip back here went well. All of our luggage arrived and it was neat to see Evelyn push Anna Claire in the stroller through the airport when Sarah and I both had to push luggage carts. Not sure what we would have done without her help. We have been able to catch up with most of our friends and start organizing for the year. At our first service back, a teenager, Pedro, gave his life to Christ! We are following up with discipleship and visits. 

Chico, David, Pedro
big US/Brasil cake they had made for our return

We have continued through the Story of Hope on Sunday nights. Alison has been leading mainly football players through it. Last night we had a good group with a couple visitors. For our midweek time we are going to launch an 8-10 week study for couples on marriage and raising children. Please pray for the right couples to come to this group. We have a decent list and just need to get them coming. 

I have enjoyed being the head coach of the football team. We are planning to do a seminar on conflict soon for them. I have been giving little talks during practice and trust the Lord will use this position to open up more opportunities. We have our first game this month and then will have almost one game per month for this year. Pray I can leverage this position to help our witness within the community.  

The girls are doing well getting readjusted. Evelyn is studying at the Brazilian school in the afternoon this semester. She didn’t really lose much Portuguese from our US trip, but Anna Claire seems like she is starting from scratch. Just in Portuguese though, cause her English is non-stop. Sarah is back at it with hospitality. She also is doing English conversation with the owners of the language school here and had a deep conversation this last time. 

It has been neat seeing construction being done on the church property. They will soon start the foundation for the building, but in order for the building to be finished later this year we will need more funds. I have an opportunity that I will be sharing in a week or two that I hope some will be interested in!

I also booked my tickets for Rio de Janeiro in August. I will be going to be a translator/participant for an evangelistical group for the Olympics. It should be fun! I think there are actually still vacancies for the trip if you are interested in going. We also have recruited a couple more for our football camp in June. I am looking forward to what God will do there during the week!

One highlight of the furlough was to do another prayer night in January. I put together a video to promote prayer nights and since March is ABWE's prayer month I thought I would post it here: 

Thanks for your prayers and support! 

All for HIS glory,

David, Sarah and our involved school girl who loves participating in studies, and our little play girl who loves dressing up in princess dresses and running around in “her big blue house.”

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