Saturday, December 2, 2017

Bits November

I’m late! I always try to get the update out at the end of the month and the latest the first of the month! But I have learned that you can’t win them all. :)

Well, we are in our building! We started using it a couple of weeks ago as we started on a Saturday night and had a great group. We did more of a thanksgiving type service (more thanksgiving for being there then for the pilgrims :) as Brazilians do not celebrate that holiday). We had three of us give a devotional surrounded by times of praise and prayer. We feel so blessed to be able to use the building…even though it is not quite finished. We continue to work on it to have the finished product downstairs.

We also inaugurated having courses! Dan and Kelly Cook came from Recife to teach Good Soil along with a camp worker he is training. We had a good group and a great time. The students were all faithful to the classes and it was really encouraging to have them there. We are currently teaching another course with Cam Woolford, the director of Servant Leaders International. He has come down for a visit and to see where we live and minister. He has said it has already given him a good context for where we are. 

These courses are giving us a good feel for how course times, prices and logistics will work out. It will also help us determine our target audiences for the courses. We also were able to film the course last night and hope to start to populate our training site so that we can have more people using the content at a longer distance. 

God is good! We praise Him for His many blessings in our life. One blessing was after our first service having our last football game for the year and being able to go to the beach afterwards as our neighbors let us stay in their apartment close to the beach in the city in which we were playing. It was just a day there, but it was nice to get away. We have been blessed in so many ways, including you all who are reading this. I had the opportunity to speak at the Northeast Brazil’s Word of Life Bible Institute on Wednesday about ministry in our region and I told them about the blessing of having supporters like you all that pray and give and that it is a humbling blessing that really keeps us going. So a big Merry Christmas to you and a blessed New Year in which you learn more and more about what it means to be conformed to Christ’s image!

All for HIS glory,

David, Sarah, my braces girl that loves ballet and independence, and my little cat that has recently been painting her face to look like a cat….yeah, it is weird, but it is really cute. :) 

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