Wednesday, January 31, 2018

January is a down month for most of Brazil. Some people go on vacation literally, most just go mentally. We try to schedule few events for January. Our colleague Dan Cook is a camp director and they have camp in January. He asked Sarah to do the crafts for the camp this season. She has been working hard since November getting them ready and for a low price. Mid January I dropped her and the girls off at Camp Paradise for a week along with Evelyn’s best friend Alice. They had a great time and the crafts were a big success! 

While they were at camp Roger and Marcy Smith and I put on an English camp with several other helpers. We did three nights in a row where the group came in and were able to converse in English for a while. It was a great opportunity! At this point we are looking at events that can introduce the community to our resource center and church! Another event this month was a graduation party for one of our faithful attendees. Her family and friends came and we had a thanksgiving service. Our band did the music and I did a small devotional on compassion (she graduated in nursing) and how Jesus gave us the greatest example of compassion. 

In February we will get into some more regular routines as we will be having English conversation on Saturdays and then start our Servant Leaders program on Wednesdays. We will be doing theology in the afternoon and seminars at night. We want to target surrounding towns with a program in which they can come in once a week and receive Bible training. Pray that the word will get out and that we will have the right students for the course. Some of our key leaders have already committed, adjusting work schedules and everything. I have been very pleasantly surprised! Praise the Lord! 

Our building is coming along! We have mostly finished the first floor, yet know it will be a long time before we complete everything! Right now we are making a list and prioritising our spending for what is most important. 

God has blessed us with so much lately. We praise Him for that. Currently I ask for prayer for Sarah’s health. She had a really bad migraine on the 21st and has not been feeling well since then. Please pray she can get back to normal soon! She is our main influencer down here and having her down really stinks! May God bless you all and forgive you for the New Year’s resolutions you have already broken! :) 

All for HIS glory,

David, Sarah, my two time costume winner at camp and my other kitty cat woman. 

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