Monday, April 29, 2024

Bits April

Tuesday night May 7 is our scheduled start to weekly Bible studies in the community of Batalha. We had a meeting with leaders Mimo and Cristiane this month in which we talked about their life stories and the future possibilities of our involvement in their community. I had written down to ask about their favorability to start something weekly, but they asked for more Bible study before I even had to ask if it was welcome or not. They talked about how they were taught to have faith, but never had a consistent church influence in the community, from anywhere. More recently there are churches within walking distance from the community, but no one has planted a work there. This is not something we hear often as there are churches around us; (many small ones with questionable doctrine and practice). We are excited about this opportunity. Stefan and Julia will be heading that study up. 

Our pizza nights still going strong

On Sunday we had a mini-module on Mobilizing the church for ministry. It was good to talk about how our church can be better equipped to minister, spread the gospel, and make disciples. We are at an exciting point in ministry in the Arcoverde church. Last night we had several families that were on repeat visits to the church. 

This month Sarah made a visit to Poço do Boi, an impoverished community nearby. She visited with one of the
missionary families who is connected to a ministry center and was shocked to see the poverty level. The next day she and Anna Claire ran/walked in a 5k to benefit that ministry. Some members of the church have been involved in better helping the community, including an idea for the women to take on sewing or knitting as a means of making money.

At the beginning of the month, Evie had surgery to put a tube in her ear. She still is having minor health issues that we are trying to have checked out. They don’t have a major effect on completing tasks, but they have bothered her a good bit. She and her friend Ellen started helping out more at the church during the week, doing organizational tasks. 

Over the next couple of days, we have a goal of resting our minds and souls! We have improved our sabbath habits somewhat lately, mainly taking Monday off, but haven’t had a more extensive time off (not that three days is a lot), but we have told our church family to leave us alone. haha. We said it nicely. Thank you so much for your prayers on our behalf!

All for HIS glory,

David, Sarah our secretary Evelyn and turtle-owning 11-year-old. 

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