Friday, January 31, 2025

Bits January 2025

New baby in our church family
 “This is the only way for the church to grow.” These words from our boss have started to make more and more sense. Tribulation in life is not fun. The last couple of months have been just that; we have had some major struggles; the worst in all our ministry life. But through all this time God has shown His sovereign hand and we understand that we must pass through difficulties. 

On the other side of it (for the most part), God is sending blessings. Last week Sarah sat down with a young boy who was struggling with doubts about having blasphemed the Holy Spirit. After Sarah explained more to him, he eagerly decided to place his faith in Jesus. She is continuing with him in discipleship. Then this week a friend and regular attendee came in for a membership interview. On his membership form he didn’t have anything down for conversion or baptism. After a gospel explanation, he beautifully prayed to ask Christ to be the Lord and Savior of his life. 

Early this morning a friend from the neighborhood wrote asking to talk. In the early morning, we were able to talk about God’s work in his life in the middle of his crisis. Tomorrow another meeting is scheduled with an unbeliever who has attended our church some. 

Water park fun with the church

I would like to say that this is normal life for us; we would love for it to be, but it has not been the norm for people to seek us out for counsel. For some reason, God has chosen to work in these lives at this moment of time. This has confirmed to us that God has us where He wants us despite our own weaknesses and failures. God is good! 

month we had a grill out for the men of the church that was evangelistic. We had a great time playing games and talking. 

The cows looked at me funny as I walked
by with my grilling accessories

Sarah started reading a book on contentment with the women of the church. Almost twenty have been attending and learning a great deal! 

February 8-9 we have a module for starting Systematic Theology in the church to be studied all year. I am really excited about this as it can really help grow those in the church! 

Thank you for your prayers! We have had some sickness hit us this month. Pray for our healing from colds. We feel very blessed to partner with you all to reach Brasil for Christ! God bless.

All for HIS glory,

David, Sarah and our swimmer and English teacher Evie, and our artist Anna Claire

Baby iguana at the house

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