Saturday, July 12, 2008


I just posted a comment on another blog regarding holy living. I almost felt guilty for posting it. Is it wrong for me to challenge others towards holy living? Of course, I know it is not, but why do I have that guilty feeling? Does our Christian culture promote beating around the bush when it comes to tackling spiritual topics? I would say that our generation opens up more and it is seeping into the church as well. I hope that we keep opening up because the Bible is clear about Christians being accountable to one another. The more we keep each other accountable in striving towards holiness, the better off we will be. So onwards we go in challenging each other towards godly living.


Matt said...

I think it speaks well of the state of your spiritual journey that you are worried about your own holiness while challenging others. Both are needed because humbleness is required when challenging others.

Kevin said...

I think relationship is required to challenge others - not that you can't, but it means more when you're walking with someone. Regardless, glad I found your blog - I blog about a lot of the same things and we just started a group conversation called Tomorrow's Church - nothing posted yet but would love your thoughts.