Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I don't get it

So I really try to be a nice guy, but I think that I get run over too often. I guess that I could write a bunch of times this has happened, but the current ones are that I am still waiting for a mailbox key, even though we moved over a month ago. I also feel like I bother people if I call them too many times to remind them of what they are supposed to do.
Do I have a right to feel like I need to be treated right? Do I need to take it every time someone runs over me like that? I know that patience is a virtue and that we need to exhibit the fruits of the Spirit, but how do we exhibit righteous anger? And is it worth it for me to do that? What is better for my testimony, having patience and being run over, or gently urging someone to do what they have promised? Maybe someday I will just end up a punk.

4 comments: said...

well, i guess Christians can't always please everybody, right?? let that punk out and get yo' key:)

Daniel said...

Hey Punk,
I was driving today and the traffic cop motioned for me to stop while a bus went through the intersection. After that bus went through 4 motorcycles and 2 more buses went through and the traffic cop was gone. I had to pull all the way up next to the traffic that was crawling by and lay on my horn to get through the intersection. I told Chrissy while all this was happening that they say when you ski your supposed to lean forward not lean back. I have no clue what it is like in Brazil. Here in Nepal a lot of times if you do not push forward nothing gets done. I guess the trick is to know how to push so you don't come off as a jerk. Of course sometimes here when you push you find out they cannot do what you want them to do but they simply did not want to tell you "NO". Good luck with the key.

David and Sarah Carrel said...

ok, we got the key now!

Aaron Marcelli said...

Hey David, I so have struggled with this too! I have felt the same way in many cases and out of frustration have began to more recently assert myself more. I find that people usually are not as mean or defensive back if I'm polite.
Also, got your note on my blog about ppl looking at my mss. were you refering to friends or other writers or what?