Last Friday afternoon we met with our administrator and the couple that will join us for two years in the Outback starting next year. We had a great meeting and are excited about having them! We decided what costs we could cut out so that we could be at full support as we had already raised 1400 dollars this furlough and had our return tickets to Brazil. I also told him about the dilemma we were having with receiving our medical clearance. There had been some misunderstandings and we were several different documents away from receiving that clearance.
Fast forward to Monday morning when we received clearance that morning after several processes went very smoothly! Fast forward to Monday night when I wrote asking for financial clearance because over the weekend our needs dropped to 6.78. Fast forward to a facebook status this morning when I find out that 6.78 is wiped out as well! We received all clearances early this morning and we are all packed and ready to go! (Sarah is even pretty much ready even though she does not leave for two weeks).
Tomorrow morning I fly out of Atlanta at 10 in the morning and will spend the night in the Bogota airport before arriving at the Columbia/Brazil border tomorrow. Friday I take a speedboat to Santo Antonio do Içá where I will pack up what I can, have a garage sale and participate in Judgment Day (yes, they decided to do Judgment Day II on the dates I will be there; not sure if that happened on purpose or not). On Sunday the 26th I hope on a boat with our boxes to float to Manaus and get on a plane Wednesday the 29th when I fly to Recife and meet up with Sarah, the girls and Sarah’s brother Robert.
So those are lots of dates for you all to remember, so it might just be easier to pray for us everyday. :) We received Anna Claire’s visa very quickly and we have great news about the housing in Arcoverde where we will live for our first year. We know that everything in this email has happened because of prayer. Thank you so much! God bless you all!
All for HIS glory,
David, Sarah, Evelyn and Anna Claire
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