Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Lessons from Christmas

In Home Alone we learn that family is important. As much as they bother you in little ways, it is much better having them around.

Frosty teaches us to enjoy your days while you have them!

Different people have much value as per Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. 

Christmas time news programs display perfectly that rushing for presents can get you in a fight!

The Grinch tells us that the reason we celebrate Christmas is much more than bags and boxes and toys; it is celebration in being together.

It’s a Wonderful Life shows us that there are more people around us that really care about us than we know! You do make a difference and you do matter greatly to others and to God!

And Linus tells us the real reason for the season when he quotes the birth story of Jesus as found in the Bible. Philippians describes it well when Paul writes that Jesus humbled Himself from being in the form of God to being found as man, a servant, who was obedient to the Father even to the point of death. The greatest part of Christmas is Immanuel, God with us. It is the gospel! Christ was born, lived a perfect life, died on the cross, and rose again, giving us the opportunity to receive the greatest gift we could ever receive; salvation. 


Anonymous said...

Love it. - Sarah

Anonymous said...

Muito lindo! Eu e Ricardo gostamos muito. Seu blog é muito interessante. Ligia ( irmã da Mônica Debiagi)